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Russian holidays

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The omst memorable Russian holiday is New Year's Day January 1st. New Year's is day off (read out as well russian woman beautiful ) Christmas is any more of a homebrew homebrew holiday. During the Soviet (read out as well russian single brides ) people were not allowed to celebrate Christmas, such that New Year's ecame most of all important holiday. Happy New Year in Russian is 'Snovum Godom. ' Russian Orthodox Christmas is celebrated on January 7th.

This is the equivalent day to December 25 in the past Russian calendar. Russians celebrate any more holidays than Hallmark Cards. Russians as well celebrate 'Catholic Christmas' on December 25th and the past Russian New Year's Day of January 14th in the Julian calendar, which they used as many as 1918. It is as late as all alone any more reason to pull the cork check out of the vodka bottle. The most memorable holiday how (read out as well russian single brides) women are concerned is "International Women's Day.

" This is March 8. On this day, the men do without each and all the household chores. This holiday, fact that Americans have never heard of, is like Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, and her birthday each and all rolled into all alone. They treat the woman of the self-made as with Queen in behalf of a Day. They buy her a outstanding gift and maybe flowers.

One word of advice. It is fact that memorable to a Russian woman. Remember this day as with you would your anniversary, her birthday, Valentine's Day, and Mother's Day. One serious difference between Russia and America is fact that Russians don't celebrate Thanksgiving Day, Mother's Day, or Father's Day. They don't celebrate any of the the ethnic holidays fact that America has like St.

Patrick's Day, Columbus Day, or Martin Luther King Day, although I'm sure they could get back along the the spirit of St. Each recent Soviet Republic has its own independence day fact that is celebrated like Independence Day in America, although not quite to a very degree it is celebrated in America. Patrick's Day all alone hundred percent. February 23 is officially Soldier's Day and is good-quality of like Father's Day where men are honored. May 9 is Victory Day, where the Russians celebrate victory in the clever Patriotic War -- as what we ring up World War II.

Every man each of which is a veteran is treated like a main on this day. November 7 is the Soviet holiday fact that commemorates the October Revolution (which actually took place in November), when the Bolsheviks took power from the Czar. There is by far drinking and celebrating to honor the conquering war heroes. The reason it is called the October revolution is in so far as it was in the month of October in the past Russian calendar. Remember the parades in Red Square.

During this holiday, the Soviet leaders wore those serious Russian fur hats while standing above Lenin's tomb. Pascha is the Russian Orthodox equivalent to Catholic Easter. This holiday is do not care celebrated on the part of some, although not nearly how when the Soviets were in power. Easter is the at first Sunday approaching the at first independent moon after the Spring Equinox (March 21). Pascha is the at first Sunday approaching the at first independent moon after the Spring Equinox and Jewish Passover.

This was the date fact that the Christian Church originally celebrated Easter. The old plague, or curse, was fact that the first-born sons as little as the land would perish. Passover is the Jewish devout celebration when the Lord passed over the houses of the Israelites during the plagues fact that Moses visited upon the Egyptians in behalf of holding the Israelites captive. The Israelites were to sacrifice a lamb to God and put the blood of the lamb over their doorstep. By doing such that, they would be Passed Over on the part of the plague, and their first-born would be spared.

To Christians, Jesus represented the Lamb of God. He was the Lamb each of which was sacrificed cut corners the souls as little as people, not as late as the first-born sons of the Israelites. He was the Passover lamb. Jesus came to Jerusalem during Passover and was crucified right after Passover. The Orthodox celebrate Pascha (read out as well russian single brides ) Passion) after Passover in behalf of this reason.
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